Studio Square Recordings Book Now
Your content deserves to thrive. Studio Square removes the guesswork,
allowing you to focus on crafting captivating content that connects.

On Set: Production Studios

Explore our fully-equipped production space with
cutting-edge technology and versatile sets, designed
to bring your video dreams to life.

Lights, Camera, Action...

Our studio boasts a comprehensive selection of top-tier
equipment including Canon Cinema Cameras, Ziess Lenses,
Astra 6x Lighting and RodeCaster Pro audio systems.

Behind-The-Scenes With Studio Square

Our unique perspective shines through every project, whether
we're collaborating with established brands like NBC and Hot97
or socially-conscious companies like Happy Jack Entertainment.

We Bridge the Gap Between Vision and Reality

Studio Square offers a seamless content creation experience.
From creative development to final HD video delivery.
We provide everything you need to tell your story.

Big ideas start small. We take your initial concept and unlock its full potential
crafting a compelling content that stands out.